AlgaEurope 2022
Attending Companies & Institutions
A4F - Algae for Future / AB Agri Ltd / acib / Agrifutur / Agroscope / Aircohol Oy / Albitech Ltd. / Alfred Wegener Institute / Algae Association Iceland / AlgaeCytes LTD. / AlgaeforFood / ALGAIA / ALGAKTIV S.L / Algal Bio Co / Algalif / ALGAMA / Algamol / Algaria Srl / AlgaSpring BV / Algatech / Algaverso / Algen / Algiecel / Algoliner / Algreen B.V. / Anhalt University of Applied Sciences / APESA / Arava Development Company / Aristotle University of Thessaloniki / Arizona State University / Asco Harvester / Astrofood / AZTI / Bea’aTech / Ben Gurion University / Biological Research Centre / BIOPOLUS Institute / Bio Products Oman / BIOREA / Biorizon Biotech / BIOSYNTEX SRL / Bogazici University / bygora / CarbonWorks / CaribAlgae / Cargill / CEA / CentraleSupelec / CEVA / Corbion / Dalhousie University / Danish Technological Institute / DAUDRUY / Deimos / Durban University of Technology / ENS PARIS-SACLAY / EXTRASYNTHESE / ELGO-DIMITRA / EMFAF / Erciyes University / EurA AG / European Commission / Evergreen / Evolys / Federal University of São Carlos / Fermentalg / Festo SE & Co. / FG Foundation / Fitoplancton Marino / Folvengaard AS / Fluid Air / Fraunhofer IGB / GEPEA Laboratory / Ghent University / GICON / Green Aqua / GreenCoLab / Greensea / Hamburg University of Technology / Harmon Consulting, Inc. / Higher Institute of Biotechnology Sidi Thabet / Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences / Hyperion Climate Technologies / Idea Biotech / IFREMER Centre Atlantique / IGV Institut für Getreideverarbeitung / ILVO - Technologie & Voeding / Immunrise Biocontrol France / Inalve / Industrial Plankton / INRAE / Inria / Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS / Institute of Experimental Biology and Technology / Institute of Microbiology, CAS / Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto / Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias / Istituto Spallanzani / Keio University / King Abdullah University of Science and Technology / King Saud University / KUBOTA Corporation / KU Leuven / Kuehnle AgroSystems / Laboratoire ChemBioPro / La Lorraine Bakery Group / Landsbankinn / LEITAT Technological Center / Lgem / Liqoflux / Livegreen / LNEG / MACFUGE / Management & Krankenhaus / Mara Renewables / MARE - University of Coimbra / Maritime Cluster of the Canary Islands / MEMZEP / Mendel University in Brno / MicroBio Engineering / MicroPhykos / Microphyt / Migal Galilee Research Institute / Ministry of Agriculture, Oman / Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Saudi Arabia / Myskopun / Nantes Saint-Nazaire Développement / Nantes Université / NATECO₂ / Necton S.A. / Neoalgae / Nestle / Newcastle University / NIBIO - Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research / NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS / Norwegian Institute for Water Research - NIVA / Odisee University of Applied Sciences / Oman Investment Authority / one.five / Olmix / Photobioreactor Helena / PhycoWorks / Politécnico de Leiria / Politecnico di Milano / Polytechnic of Turin / Power Algae / Protinext B.V. / PUEVIT / Riga Technical University / Ruđer Bošković Institute / Rutgers University / Saint-Gobain / SANI Membranes / Sapienza University of Rome / SCHOTT / Shell / Sigtun Innovation AS / Simris / StartLife Invest B.V. / SUBMARINER Network / Swansea University / Synoxis Algae / Technical University of Catalonia / Technical University of Denmark / Technical University of Vienna / The Kansai Electric Power Company / Thomas More University / TMCI Padovan / Tradall SA (Bacardi Group) / Tryptik Sas / UCT Prague / United Nations Global Compact / Universidad Autónoma de Madrid / Universidad CES / Universidad de Antioquia / Universidad de Sevilla / Universidade de Lisboa / Universidade de Vigo / Universidade Federal de São Paulo / Università Ca’ Foscari / Università degli Studi di Milano / Università Sapienza di Roma / University Collage Dublin / University of Alberta / University of Algarve / University of Almeria / University of Cambridge / University of Cape Town / University of Florence / University of Greenwich / University of Lisbon - ISA / University of Madeira / University of Manchester / University of Milano-Bicocca / University of Milano / University of New Caledonia / University of Padova / University of Pau and the Pays de l'Adour / University of Porto & Polytechnic Institute of Bragança / University of Puerto Rico / University of Southern Denmark / University of Technology Sydney / University of Turku / Universtiy of Vienna / Uva Wellassa University / Varicon Aqua / VANTAGE / Veolia / Viride / VIRTO CUCCOLINI / VITO / Wageningen University & Research / Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution / Yemoja LTD / ZEISS
AlgaEurope 2024 is being organized by:
EABA - European Algae Biomass Association and DLG Benelux:
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