AlgaEurope 2023 Conference Program
The Conference Program is subject to changes.
All times mentioned are in CET.
You can already pick up your conference badge one day before the conference.
Conference Day 1 - Tuesday 12 December 2023
Registration: 08:00 am - 09:00 am
Carlos Unamunzaga
Prof Ondrej PrasilJean-Paul Cadoret
Susana Coelho (Max Planck Institute for Biology Tübingen): Uncovering the private life of seaweeds
10:00 am - 10:15 am: Joaquin Pozo-Dengra (Biorizon Biotech, S.L.): Microalgae-based agricultural products sustainably produced: algaenauts eu project
10:15 am - 10:30 am: Stefania Galletti (CREA Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment): Seed treatment with Anabaena minutissima extract ameliorates soilborne pathogen stresses in tomato plantlets
10:30 am - 10:45 am: Ivan Citakovic (ImmunRise Biocontrol France): High-throughput screening for an increased production of the antifungal compounds in uv-mutagenized Amphidinium carterae microalgae library
10:15 am - 11:00 am: Andrés A. Borges (IPNA / CSIC): Biostimulant activity of Galaxaura rugosa seaweed extracts against water deficit stress in tomato seedlings involves activation of aba signaling
11:40 am - 11:55 pm: Maud Benoit-Le Gelebart (ALGAIA): Algae ingredients in cosmetics: history, drivers, and prospects
11:55 pm - 12:10 pm: Sónia Ventura (University of Aveiro): How can mycosporine-like amino acids replace synthetic uv filters in cosmetic products?
12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: Rita Mota (acib): Can cyanoflan be used as a natural skin care ingredient?
Fritz Wintersteller: Why tubular photobioreactors?
02:05 pm - 02:20 pm: Begoña Bustamante (Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, S.A.): Revaluation of microalgae production effluent: a strategy for long-term sustainable cultivation of Tetraselmis striata in an operational environment
02:20 pm - 02:35 pm: Ana Teresa Gonçalves (GreenCoLab/SPAROS): The alliance between algae biorefinery and fish nutrigenomics for precision functional aquafeeds
02:35 pm - 02:50 pm: Adelheid Kuehnle (Kuehnle AgroSystems (Europe) Ltd): Proving the critics wrong – heterotrophic Haematococcus pluvialis produces abundant astaxanthin without light!
02:50 pm - 03:05 pm: Inês Beatriz Maia (Necton, S.A.): Biomass of Tetradesmus obliquus and Raphidonema monicae produced through a circular economy approach for atlantic salmon feeds
03:05 pm - 03:20 pm: Industrial Committee - Gabriel Acien (University of Almeria)
03:20 pm - 03:35 pm: Scientific Committee - Olivier Bernard (Inria)
Thomas Neil Skov
Maris Stulgis (European Commission) & Charlotte Jagot (CINEA - European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency): EU support to the algae sector
04:55 pm - 05:10 pm: Jonas Kollmen (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau): A new aerosol-based pbr for the cultivation of cyanobacteria on luffa
05:10 pm - 05:25 pm: Ellen Williamson (University of Exeter): Human in vivo assessment of microalgae Chlorella sp. and Arthrospira sp. as dietary protein sources
05:25 pm - 05:40 pm: José Matheus Silva (Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)): Physical-chemical characterization of hummus with seaweed and microalgae incorporation through the development of food products
05:40 pm - 05:55 pm: Fengzheng Gao (ETH Zurich): Microalgae in human nutrition and health: using microalgae for iron-deficiency anaemia treatment
05:55 pm - 06:10 pm: Sónia Oliveira (Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)): 3D printed gels from red seaweed: effect of the addition of a thickening agent and printing temperature
Jon Kallen (ABO): Updates from the Algae Biomass Organization
Paul Goudeau (Synoxis)
Yair Cohen (Algamol)
Maja Berden Zrimec (Algen)
Ewoud de Voogd (AlgaeForFood)
Pieter Oostlander (Lgem Synalgae B.V.)
Antonio Idà (Algaria)
Pieter Boelens (Liqoflux)
Marco Lizzul (Varicon Aqua Solutions Ltd.)
Jonathan Burns-Tang (Algiecel)
Conference Day 2 - Wednesday 13 December 2023
Sónia Ventura (CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials): Blue biorefinery: overviewing the processes, materials and the applications of algae bio-active products
09:40 am - 09:55 am: Inês Guerra (GreenCoLab): Arthrospira platensis up-value through a biorefinery approach: phycocyanin and protein fraction isolation
09:55 am - 10:10 am: Alexandre Six (CEA): Bridging the gap from raw microalgae to bioplastic: conversion of Chlorella vulgaris into thermoplastic starch
10:10 am - 10:25 am: Nolwenn Kergosien (Algaia/LEMAR): Biorefinery approach for the industrial extraction of metabolites from four specimens of tropical and temperate brown seaweeds
10:25 am - 10:40 am: José Cheel (Institute of Microbiology, Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)): Application of countercurrent chromatography for the efficient recovery of docosahexaenoic acid (dha n-3) from microalgae
10:40 am - 10:55 am: Lorenzo López Rosales (University of Almeria): Selection of construction materials for adhesion photobioreactors to culture benthic microalgae
11:40 am - 11:55 am: Matteo Ballottari (University of Verona): Haematococcus lacustris genome assembly and annotation reveal diploid genetic traits and stress-induced gene expression patterns
11:55 am - 12:10 pm: Charlotte Toustou (University of Rouen Normandie, GlycoMEV lab): Comparative rna-seq transcriptomic analyses of ten ecotypes of Phaeodactylum tricornutum: toward identifying the best strain for the production of biologics.
12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: Olaf Kruse (Bielefeld University, Center for Biotechnology CeBiTec): Bioengineering microalgae for their application as green cell factories
12:25 pm - 12:40 pm: Eliana Gasparotto (University of Verona): Engineering and cultivation of the fast-growing Synechococcus sp. Pcc 11901, a recently-discovered cyanobacteria, for the synthesis of valuable ketocarotenoids.
Nikola Gross-Werner & Sebastian Blum: Accelerate microalgae production applying High Throughput Automation
02:20 pm - 02:35 pm: Antonio Garcia-Moyano (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS): Improving the sensory quality of microalgal ingredients with the use of enzymes
02:35 pm - 02:50 pm: Kricelle Deamici (GreenCoLab): Effect of algae fortification on physicochemical and sensory properties of plant-based burgers
02:50 pm - 03:05 pm: Kiron Viswanath (Nord University): Microalgal glucans: a potential tool to combat hypercholesterolemia
03:05 pm - 03:20 pm: Anabela Raymundo (Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)): Microalgae incorporation in a texture modified vegetable puree for dysphagia: effect on the nutritional, rheological and textural properties
03:20 pm - 03:35 pm: Nancy Mahmoud (Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA)): What is the impact of adding microalgae Chlorella vulgaris, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and Tetraselmis chuii on the structure, nutritive value and acceptance of wheat bread?
Clémence Thebaud: From microalgae to the cosmetic market, focus on Microphyt expertise
Carlos Unamunzaga: VitaFoods 2024
04:30 pm - 04:45 pm: Elena Ficara (Politecnico di Milano): A plant-wide modelling framework to describe microalgae growth on liquid digestate in agrozootechnical biomethane plants
04:45 pm - 05:00 pm: Hanna Böpple (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS): Bioremediation of recirculating aquaculture system wastewater through microalgal biofilms
05:00 pm - 05:15 pm: Marco Mantovani (University of Milano Bicocca): Removal of pharmaceutical compounds by microalgae- based treatment of municipal centrate
05:15 pm - 05:30 pm: Jan Červený (Global Change Research Institute CAS (CzechGlobe)): Digital platform for data management automation and optimization of microalgal productivity
05:30 pm - 05:45 pm: Laszlo Nemes (HUN-RES SZTAKI): Holodetect: digital holographic microscopy for alga monitoring
05:45 pm - 06:00 pm: Maria Barbosa (Wageningen University): AlgaePARC 2.0
06:00 pm - 06:15 pm: Luís Costa (A4F - Algae for future): Algae: a route to sustainable decarbonisation
06:15 pm - 06:30 pm: Luis Guerrero (Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology - IRTA): European consumers' perception and acceptability of different microalgae-based product06:30 pm - 06:45 pm: Irena Branyiková (Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the Czech Academy of Sciences): Fresh Arthrospira maxima biomass for human nutrition
For registered participants only!
The dinner takes place in the Municipal House (Obecní dům). More information.
Conference Day 3 - Thursday 14 December 2023
Angela Wulff (University of Gothenburg): From research idea to business - a bumpy road
09:40 am - 09:55 am: Klaas Hellingwerf (Photanol B.V.): Modeling of glycolate production by synechocystis in pilot-scale photo-bioreactors
09:55 am - 10:10 am: Eri Adams (Galdieria, Co., Ltd): Utilisation of an Extremophile, Galdieria, for precious metal recovery and a circulating society
10:10 am - 10:25 am: Arianna Rizzo (Nantes University): Diatoms frustule refractive index heterogeneity can be related to waveguiding properties?
10:25 am - 10:40 am: Elvira Rakova (Algae Scope Italy): Maximizing value and sustainability: the multistream product approach for macroalgae-based carbon mitigation and circular economy advancement
10:40 am - 10:55 am: Jiri Masojídek (Centrum Algatech): Development of thin-layer cascades for microalgae cultivation: milestones
11:25 am - 11:40 am: Claudia Vasquez (Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS): Foam control during l. Maxima cultivation
11:40 am - 11:55 am: Carlos Infante (Fitoplancton Marino, S.L.): An attempt to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying the ergogenic effects of Tetraselmis chuii (Tetrasod®) dietary supplementation: a transcriptional approach using the openarray® technology
11:55 am - 12:10 pm: Cristiana Nunes (Instituto Superior de Agronomia/ Universidade de Lisboa): Production of camembert-like cheese fortified with Сhlorella vulgaris
12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: Fabian Abiusi (ETH Zürich, Laboratory of Sustainable Food Processing): Heterotrophic single-cell protein production in Galdieria sulphuraria: amino acid profile and protein bioaccessibility
12:25 pm - 12:40 pm: Alvyn Severien (Algama): How to create an algae global value chain
Max Wunderlich: How to measure microalgae with donuts? Real-time particle analysis with polarized lasers
02:15 pm - 02:30 pm: Gabriele Frascaroli (Glasgow Caledonian University): Antibiotic Removal by Microalgae: effectiveness, pathways, and physiological responses in media with nutrients and antibiotics levels mimicking wastewater
02:30 pm - 02:45 pm: Aschwin Engelen (CCMar): Unlocking opportunities in the seaweed industry through seaweed microbiome exploration
02:45 pm - 03:00 pm: Ioannis Tzovenis (Agricultural University of Athens): Unlocking the potential of microalgae: sustainable solutions for bioremediation and biotechnological advancements
03:00 pm - 03:15 pm: Tamára Santos (Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR)): Microbiome-mediated improvement of industrially produced Chlorella vulgaris
03:15 pm - 03:30 pm: Kaitlin Lesco (Colorado School of Mines / National Renewable Energy Laboratory): Elucidating the secrets of soluble extracellular polymers in algae cultivation
03:30 pm - 03:45 pm: Liliana Rodolfi (Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI)), University of Florence): Reduction of energy requirements without affecting productivity of p. Tricornutum and t. Suecica. by integrating shading devices in gwp® photobioreactors
03:45 pm - 04:00 pm: Asterio Sánchez-Mirón (University of Almería): Plant hormones for increasing valuable metabolites from diverse microalgal groups
04:00 pm - 04:15 pm: John Benemann (MicroBio Engineering): Large-Scale Production of Microalgae Biomass
Luís Costa: A4F – Algae for Future – Taking Algae Beyond the Algae Sector
04:55 pm - 05:10 pm: Hans Vaeth (Algoliner): Multiple benefits of sophisticated/automated continuous cleaning of pbrs
05:10 pm - 05:25 pm: Eleonora Sforza (University of Padova): Cyanobacterial chromatic adaptation to widen the light spectrum exploitation: a new concept of microalgal consortia
05:25 pm - 05:40 pm: Gabriel Acien (University of Almeria): Recent advances in the scale-up of microalgae production systems
05:40 pm - 05:55 pm: Pablo Alvarez (CEA): Ammonia-based method to control the predator Poterioochromonas malhamensis on Chlorella vulgaris massive cultures
05:55 pm - 06:10 pm: Francesca Casagli (INRIA France): Hybrid modelling of algae-bacteria processes for resource recovery
06:10 pm - 06:25 pm: Alla Silkina (Swansea University): Application of scalable algal technology to convert breweries and agriculture waste nutrients to produce biomass for agricultural application as feed and biofertilizers.
06:25 pm - 06:40 pm: Daniel Kurpan (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro): On-site bioremediation of brewery wastewater with Arthrospira sp. at a production site in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: A preliminary study
06:40 pm - 06:55 pm: Marie-Ange Leca (UPPA / APESA): Cultivation of Spirulina platensis using agro-industrial anaerobic digestate pretreated by adsorption on zeolite material
Speaker: David Mackie (Marine Biopolymers Ltd) and David Myslabodski (Great SeaVegetables)
In 2022, EABA launched a new session called "Controversies." The aim was to identify topics within the realm of algae that elicited reactions from professionals. This inaugural 2022 session, somewhat considered a beta phase, evidently garnered enough support to prompt us to continue the initiative. It also provided valuable insights for refining our purpose, intentions, and objectives. This 2023 edition will then aim at define and kick-off the project “Algae in a real world”.
Conference Day 4 - Friday 15 December 2023
Robert Henrikson (Spirulina Source / Smart Microfarms): Over 600 spirulina producers worldwide and growing. What’s next?
09:40 am - 09:55 am: Rebecca Wicker (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT)): Hybrid cultivation of a nordic mixed-species photosynthetic consortium: a pilot study
09:55 am - 10:10 am: Lena Petit (Avignon Université / Algama): Impact of Arthrospira (spirulina) supplementation on metabolic cardiovascular risk factors – a systematic review and meta-analysis
10:10 am - 10:25 am: Jorge Matinha Cardoso (CIIMAR / i3S / ICBAS): What is outside also matters: cyanobacterial extracellular vesicles and their biotechnological potential
10:25 am - 10:40 am: Lars Baehr (CellDEG): Advancements in high-density microalgae cultivation using membrane-pbr technology
10:40 am - 10:55 am: Hubert Bonnefond (Inria): Strain optimization by continuous selection pressure: a focus on phycocyanin production
11:40 am - 11:55 pm: Bruno Ferreira (Biotrend): Prospects for algae in high-volume applications: focus on bioplastics
11:55 pm - 12:10 pm: Lais Galileu Speranza (GreenCoLab): Analysis of impacts of fermented Chlorella sp. by life cycle assessment (lca)
12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: Steve Skill (Horizon Bioreactors): Precision fermentation redefined
12:25 pm - 12:40 pm: Georgia Tsintzou (University of Thessaly): The microalgae Jaagichlorella luteoviridis as a source of mycosporine-like amino acids (maas) induced by abiotic stresses: a genomic approach
12:40 pm - 12:55 pm: Rui Pereira (A4F): Land-based algae aquaculture – synergies between the micro and the macro
The winners of the Poster Presentation Awards will be announced. Each winner (Gold, Silver, Bronze and Audience Award) will have 5 minutes to present the poster.
Daniel Figueiredo (GreenCoLab)
Media Partners:
AlgaEurope 2024 is being organized by:
EABA - European Algae Biomass Association and DLG Benelux:
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