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Conference Day 1 - Tuesday 10 December 2024
Registration: 08:00 am - 09:00 am
Carlos Unamunzaga (EABA)
Professor Flemetakis (Agricultural University of Athens)Jean-Paul Cadoret (EABA)
Dr Kengo Suzuki (Euglena Co. Ltd., Japan): Research and Development of Microalgae Euglena and its Social Implementation
10:00 am - 10:10 am: Mellissa Elliman & Lik Theng Ho (Arctic Algae AS): A new heterotrophic marine dinoflagellate (Crypthecodinium sp.) as a source of Phospholipid DHA for anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical drug
10:10 am - 10:20 am: Yann Le Gal (Veramaris): Nature’s solution to enabling sustainable growth of aquaculture 10:20 am - 10:30 am: Hans Vaeth (Algoliner GmbH & Co. KG): Combining airlift photobioreactors with membrane technology to increase efficiency
10:30 am - 10:40 am: Stefan Matthes (GICON): Commercial Algae Project Solutions from a Single Source
10:40 am - 10:50 am: Zeenat Hussain Rupawalla (Plankton First): Evaluation of Innovative Technologies to enhance Productivity, Climate-resilience and Economic Sustainability of Microalgae-based products
10:50 am - 11:00 am: Joachim Grill (Carniolus d.o.o): Vertically Fully Integrated, Phototrophic Production of Algae-based Omega-3 (EPA) Replacing Fish-oil-derived Products
11:40 am - 11:55 pm: Francesca Casagli (INRIA): A breakthrough in the temperature prediction of microalgae outdoor processes
11:55 pm - 12:10 pm: Cintia Gomez Serrano (University of Almeria): Optimization of ulva production in raceway photobioreactors with seawater recirculation: the critical factors
12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: László Nemes (HUN-REN SZTAKI): Combined Digital Holographic and Multispectral Fluorescent Microscopy for Real Time Automated Algae Monitoring.
12:25 pm - 12:35 pm: Freddy Guihéneuf (Inalve): Innovative algal solutions for marine larvae in the aquaculture industry
12:35 pm - 12:45 pm: Daniel Lux (Co2Brains): Harvesting of Microalgae Blooms with Autonomous floating Drones
Michael Juul Jensen: Vibro® Filtration for Harvest, Concentration & Refinery
02:25 pm - 02:40 pm: Arun Sakthivel (The University of Manchester): Modelling of microlagl growth at different scale up level for advanced biomethane production
02:40 pm - 02:55 pm: Gladys Castillo (Decerna): The importance of infrastructure within LCA of microalgae production and processing facilities
02:55 pm - 03:10 pm: Tobias Hofmann (Bern University of Applied Sciences): Spatially dependent microalgal lipid production in a membrane biofilm reactor
03:10 pm - 03:25 pm: Gabriel Acien (University of Almeria): Uses of non-pressure membranes for microalgae biomass harvesting
03:25 pm - 03:40 pm: Claudio Fuentes-Grunewald (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology): Saudi Arabia as the new worldwide hot spot for large-scale microalgae cultivation
03:40 pm - 03:50 pm: Marta Sa (Lgem Synalgae): AlgaeHUB®: focused to unlock the potential of microalgae
03:50 pm - 04:00 pm: Alexandre Rodrigues (Necton): Strategies to improve sustainability and production capacity in a microalgae industrial plant
04:00 pm - 04:10 pm: John Benemann (MicroBio Engineering): The Cultivation of Microalgae in Raceway Ponds with Selected Cultivars
04:10 pm - 04:20 pm: Nico Betterle (ASTEASIER/University of Verona): Asteasier: the sustainable way for natural astaxanthin
Sebastian Blum: Accelerate microalgae production applying High Throughput Automation
05:10 pm - 05:25 pm: Olivier Bernard (INRIA): Will Artificial Intelligence finally contribute to the microalgae sector?
05:25 pm - 05:40 pm: Matteo Ballottari (University of Verona): CO2 availability influences nad(p)h redox state and lipid accumulation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
05:40 pm - 05:55 pm: Eduardo Gorron (CSIRO): Transcriptomic signature of lipid production in Australian Aurantiochytrium sp. TC20
05:55 pm - 06:10 pm: Zakaria Tazart (Mohammed VI polytechnic University of Benguerir): Enhanced lipid accumulation and biomass productivity in Kirchneriella obesa cultivated in a wastewater-seawater mix: physiological responses and treatment efficacy
06:10 pm - 06:25 pm: Dominik Refardt (Zurich University of Applied Sciences): Microalgae on acid: towards large-scale open cultivation of extremophiles
06:25 pm - 6:35 pm: Yongning Su (Inner Mongolia Rejuve Biotech Co., Ltd.): Large scale spirulina production in Inner Mongolia, China
06:35 pm - 06:43 pm: Carlos Silva (A4F): Algae-based circular economy – Suitability by Design
06:43 pm - 06:51 pm: Andre Mota (COLAB4FOOD): The environmental sustainability assessment of algae-based food products
06:51 pm - 06:59 pm: Felix Ghyczy (BlueBurn BV): Transforming the future of algae commerce
06:59 pm - 07:09 pm: Steve Skill (Horizon Bioreactors Ltd): The Horizon Photo-Bioreactor: a new technology for industrial scale extractive photo-fermentation
07:09 pm - 07:19 pm: Ioannis Tzovenis: Greece panorama
Conference Day 2 - Wednesday 11 December 2024
Hélène Marfaing (CEVA, France): Algae uses: a traditional food on the move in Europe
09:40 am - 09:55 am: Teresa Cesario (Instituto Superior Tecnico): Valorization of the green seaweed Ulva rigida to biodegradable plastics, gluconic acid and protein-rich aquafeed ingredients
09:55 am - 10:10 am: Stefano Cazzaniga (University of Verona): A novel Chlorella vulgaris mutant strain allows for the efficient production of lutein and zeaxanthin, pigments required for human health.
10:10 am - 10:25 am: Asad Ali (Wageningen University): Impact of electroporation on product recovery and microalgal viability: it is time to revisit the concept of cell milking?
10:25 am - 10:40 am: Rita Mota (acib GmbH): Research toward industrial implementation: Cynaoflan as a new polymeric raw material for cosmetic
10:40 am - 10:55 am: Stefan Kraan (Oceana Organic Products Llt): The environmental and social impact and the role of algae; truth or fiction?
Helena Abreu (International Seaweed Association)
How the EU and UN algae agendas can leverage each other’s efforts at a European and global scale
11:40 am - 11:55 am: Vincent Doumeizel (United Nations Global Compact): UN algae-related initiatives and the Plankton Manifesto
11:55 am - 12:00 pm: Laura Maragna (EurA Consulting): EU4Algae results and conclusions
12:00 pm - 12:05 pm: Julien Peris (Sustainable Blue Economy, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency): CINEA algae projects and funding opportunities
12:05 pm - 12:10 pm: Maris Stulgis (DG MARE, European Commission): EU support to algae sector – latest developments
12:10 pm - 12:40 pm: Panel discussion
Fritz W. Wintersteller: Why Tubular Glass Photobioreactors?
02:20 pm - 02:35 pm: Joaquin Pozo-Dengra (Biorizon Biotech): One-pot processing for microalgae-based biostimulants and biopesticides production: an integral utilisation approach
02:35 pm - 02:50 pm: Marta Cebrián (AZTI Foundation): Sustainable production of valuable ingredients from Chlorella protothecoides grown using a fed-batch fermentation strategy
02:50 pm - 03:05 pm: Joana Rosa (S2AQUAcoLAB): Microalgae: driving the green revolution in cell-based food production
03:05 pm - 03:20 pm: Enrica Uggetti (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya): Assessing the environmental impacts and the cost-effectiveness of a biofertilizer from microalgae grown in wastewater
03:20 pm - 03:35 pm: Suvidha Gupta (Norwegian University of Life-Sciences): Multienzyme magnetic nanocatalyst for enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of microalgae biomass grown in dairy wastewater for biorefinery applications
Lara Gil & Christie de Vrij (EABA)
03:55 pm - 04:10 pm: Henrik Geltner (Wageningen University and Research): Assessing properties of microalgae growth and metabolic state in real-time through multi-rate on-line elemental mass balancing methods
04:05 pm - 04:25 pm: Filipa Lopes (CentraleSupélec): Non-destructive monitoring of microalgae biofilms
Anne Pajot & Juliette Armeni (EABA)
05:05 pm - 05:20 pm: Carlos Infante (Fitoplancton Marino): A Tetraselmis chuii-derived high-value ingredient (TetraSOD) for agelessness through the improvement of cellular health
05:20 pm - 05:35 pm: Mariane Bittencourt Fagundes (University of Porto): Optimizing Nocuolin A Production: The Role of Light and Nutrient Conditions in Nodularia sp. LEGE 06071
Ira Levine (Algae Foundation/University of Southern Maine)
05:50 pm - 06:05 pm: Fengzheng Gao (ETH Zurich): Bioaccessibility, bioavailability, and bioactivity assessment of microalgae-derived products for human nutrition and health
06:05 pm - 06:20 pm: Julia Baumgartner (ETH Zurich): Aqueous extraction and properties of lipid droplets from the cell wall deficient microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
For registered participants only!
The dinner takes place at the Markou Vineyards. More information.
At 06:30 pm buses will bring participants to the venue. Around 10:00 pm participants will be transfered back to the hotel.
Conference Day 3 - Thursday 12 December 2024
Susan Løvstad Holdt (The National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Food), Denmark): Bridging Science, Safety, and Sustainability: Advancing Seaweed as Europe’s Future Food
09:40 am - 09:55 am: Paolina Scarponi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia): Treatment of Watermelon Waste Using Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Chlamydomonas sp. and Arthrospira sp.
09:55 am - 10:10 am: Ethan Wood (Norsk institutt for vannforskning, NIVA): The Phycosphere of an Algal Co-culture Phycoremediation System: Filamentous Algae Oedogonium and Stigeoclonium Maintain Associated Bacterial Communities during Wastewater Remediation
10:10 am - 10:25 am: Jean-Baptiste Beigbeder (APESA): Unlocking the potential of vermicompost leachate as a promising substrate for semi-continuous cultivation of microalgae consortium
10:25 am - 10:40 am: Stephan Ende (Alfred Wegener Institute): How Recirculating Aquaculture Nutrient Streams Can Drive Europe's Microalgae Revolution?
10:40 am - 10:55 am: Jonathan Forbes (Decerna): LCA due diligence of a Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) system in Morocco
11:25 am - 11:40 am: Igor Grigoriev (Joint Genome Institute/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory): Fueling the future with algal genomics
11:40 am - 11:55 am: Eliana Gasparatto (University of Verona): Engineering and cultivation of Synechococcus PCC 11901 to synthesize high added-value carotenoids
11:55 am - 12:10 pm: Alexandra Mystikou (Technology Innovation Institute): Algal Genomics in Biotechnology
12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: Irene Gallego (Agroscope): Assessing the environmental impact of gene-edited microalgae
12:25 pm - 12:40 pm: Ana Gonçalves (GreenCoLab): Gut Performance for Resilient Aquaculture Fish: Powered by Microalgae
Tim Shaw: BrightWave: Transforming Indoor Algae Cultivation for Industrial Applications
02:20 pm - 02:35 pm: Tina Seligmann (s.Pro - sustainable Projects): The Potential of Algae in Aquaculture Feed in the EU
02:35 pm - 02:50 pm: Daniel Figueiredo (GreenCoLab): Improved Pavlova gyrans strains for sustainable and nutritious aquafeeds
02:50 pm - 03:05 pm: Diogo Marques (Instituto Superior Tecnico - University of Lisbon): Fermentation strategies using food grade microbes for nutritional and economic valorization of Ulva rigida biomass
03:05 pm - 03:20 pm: Liliana Rodolfi (University of Florence): Bioactivity of four nostoc strains: perspective of exploitation in agriculture
03:20 pm - 03:35 pm: Elena Ficara (Politecnico di Milano): Turning digestate into biostimulants via microalgae
03:35 pm - 03:50 pm: Amer Chabili (Cadi Ayyad University): Screening of cyanobacteria-based liquid extracts for their biostimulant effects on tomato plants growth and fruit quality
03:50 pm - 04:05 pm: Kristina Ljumovic (University of Verona): Effect of Chlorella vulgaris on growth characteristics of Basil (Ocimum basilicum) in hydroponics
Daniel Figueiredo
Muriel Bardor (University of Rouen Normandie): PHAEOmAbs, a French initiative to improve the production yield of microalgae-based antibodies
04:50 pm - 05:05 pm: Isa Hiemstra (Wageningen University & Research): SWITCHING TO GREEN: Sustainable multi-product three-phase partitioning for seaweed biorefinery using recyclable, switchable solvents
05:05 pm - 05:20 pm: Wimar Reynaga (Wageningen University & Research): Deep eutectic solvents for co-extracting alginate and fucoxanthin from brown seaweed
05:20 pm - 05:35 pm: Oscar Elizondo Sada (Wageningen University and Research): Optimization of an enzyme assisted extraction for a multi-product biorefinery from the red seaweed Palmaria palmata
05:35 pm - 05:50 pm: Lais Galileu Speranza (GreenCoLab): Using Life-Cycle Assessment to evaluate the sustainability of algae biorefineries
05:50 pm - 06:05 pm: Juan José Gallardo (Universidad de Almeria, Spain): Competitive adsorption and cross-flow dialysis to recover phycobiliproteins and polysaccharides from spirulina sp
06:05 pm - 06:15 pm: Cristiana Nunes (LEAF, ISA, Universidade de Lisboa): Combining Seaweeds and Microalgae: Assessing hydrothermal extracts of Chondrus Crispus for gelled food snacks enriched with Chlorella vulgaris
06:15 pm - 06:25 pm: Lisiane Carvalho (LEAF, ISA, Universidade de Lisboa): Development and characterization of microalgae-enriched clean label hybrid hams
06:25 pm - 06:35 pm: Sónia Oliveira (LEAF, ISA, Universidade de Lisboa): Multisensory packaging: exploring algae-based 3D printed edible solutions for sustainable food experiences
06:35 pm - 06:50 pm: José Matheus (LEAF, ISA, Universidade de Lisboa): A sustainable twist on ''caldo verde'' using macro and microalgae
06:50 pm - 07:05 pm: Ivan Citakovic (ImmunRise Biocontrol France (IBF)): Exploitation of amphidinols for biopesticide production: environmental triggers, excretion patterns, and the distribution of active and less active forms in amphidinium carterae photobioreactor cultures
On Thursday, 12 December 2024, AlgaEurope will host its first-ever Award Evening. In addition to the Poster Presentation Award, both a Personality Award and a Successful Stories Award will be presented.
After the ceremony, you will have the chance to connect with fellow delegates and, even more exciting, sample algae-based products generously provided by GreenCoLab. Want to find out what’s in store? Join us for the Award Evening!
More information here.
Conference Day 4 - Friday 13 December 2024
Lieve Laurens (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA): Building a Sustainable Carbon Efficient Future with Photosynthetic Algae Systems
09:40 am - 09:55 am: John McGowen (Arizona State University): Characterization of a novel aphelid parasitoid of picochlorum celeri and its effects on outdoor productivity and robustness
09:55 am - 10:10 am: João Varela (CCMAR - Centre of Marine Sciences of Algarve, Portugal): A call to arms: the urgent need for novel bioinformatic tools for correctly identifying eukaryotic grazers and parasites in microalgae cultures
10:10 am - 10:25 am: Jennifer Saliba (LIENS Laboratory University La Rochelle): Marine fucoidan oligomers as promising multi-tasking formulations in cancer therapy
10:25 am - 10:40 am: Matthew Chadwick (The University of Edinburgh): An Investigation into the Prebiotic Potential of Fucoidans Extracted from Seaweed
Maria Barbosa (Wageningen University / BPEa)
Alison Smith (University of Cambridge)
João Navalho (Necton and Allmicroalgae)
Hywel Griffiths (Fermentalg)
Tanel Ilmjärv (Vetik OÜ)
Valerie Harmon (Namaka Algae)
12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: Antonio Gavalas Olea (Hochschule Bremerhaven): Galdieria sulphuraria, an extremophile with promising Carbon capture performance through project ALGROW
12:25 pm - 12:40 pm: Pia Steinrücken (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre): Coupling microalgal production to recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) at pilot scale
12:40 pm - 12:55 pm: Marco Mantovani (University of Milano Bicocca): Removal of different water micropollutants by microalgae-based iron nanoparticles
12:55 pm - 01:10 pm: Ronald Halim (University College Dublin): Nannochloropsis for the valorisation of side streams from critical agri-food and energy sectors in Europe
01:10 pm - 01:25 pm: Elena Passalacqua (Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca): Optimisation of anaerobic digestion using microalgal-based carbon-encapsulated iron nanoparticles
02:00 pm: Site visit to Solmeyea
03:15 pm: Transfer back to Divani Caravel Hotel
04:00 pm: Arrive at Divani Caravel
02:00 pm: Site visit to Plankton First
05:45 pm: Transfer back to Divani Caravel Hotel
07:45 pm: Arrive at Divani Caravel
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