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Program PDF

Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


Day 4


The Conference Program is subject to changes.

Please note that the conference will be held at the Divani Caravel from 10 - 12 December and at the Demokritos Centre on 13 December.

Pre-Registration: Monday 9 December 2024: 04:00 - 06:00 pm

You can already pick up your conference badge one day before the conference.

Conference Day 1 - Tuesday 10 December 2024

Registration: 08:00 am - 09:00 am

09:00 am - 09:20 am: Conference Opening

Carlos Unamunzaga (EABA)

Professor Flemetakis (Agricultural University of Athens)Jean-Paul Cadoret (EABA)

09:20 am - 09:30 am: Intro Moderator Adrien Vincent

09:30 am - 10:00 am: Keynote Speaker

Dr Kengo Suzuki (Euglena Co. Ltd., Japan): Research and Development of Microalgae Euglena and its Social Implementation

10:00 am - 11:00 am: Session 1: Industry

10:00 am - 10:10 am: Mellissa Elliman & Lik Theng Ho (Arctic Algae AS): A new heterotrophic marine dinoflagellate (Crypthecodinium sp.) as a source of Phospholipid DHA for anti-inflammatory pharmaceutical drug

10:10 am - 10:20 am: Yann Le Gal (Veramaris): Nature’s solution to enabling sustainable growth of aquaculture 10:20 am - 10:30 am: Hans Vaeth (Algoliner GmbH & Co. KG): Combining airlift photobioreactors with membrane technology to increase efficiency

10:30 am - 10:40 am: Stefan Matthes (GICON): Commercial Algae Project Solutions from a Single Source

10:40 am - 10:50 am: Zeenat Hussain Rupawalla (Plankton First): Evaluation of Innovative Technologies to enhance Productivity, Climate-resilience and Economic Sustainability of Microalgae-based products

10:50 am - 11:00 am: Joachim Grill (Carniolus d.o.o): Vertically Fully Integrated, Phototrophic Production of Algae-based Omega-3 (EPA) Replacing Fish-oil-derived Products

11:00 am - 11:40 am: Coffee Break

11:40 am - 12:45 pm: Session 2: Production

11:40 am - 11:55 pm: Francesca Casagli (INRIA): A breakthrough in the temperature prediction of microalgae outdoor processes

11:55 pm - 12:10 pm: Cintia Gomez Serrano (University of Almeria): Optimization of ulva production in raceway photobioreactors with seawater recirculation: the critical factors

12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: László Nemes (HUN-REN SZTAKI): Combined Digital Holographic and Multispectral Fluorescent Microscopy for Real Time Automated Algae Monitoring.

12:25 pm - 12:35 pm: Freddy Guihéneuf (Inalve): Innovative algal solutions for marine larvae in the aquaculture industry

12:35 pm - 12:45 pm: Daniel Lux (Co2Brains): Harvesting of Microalgae Blooms with Autonomous floating Drones

12:45 pm - 12:55 pm: SANI Membranes - Sponsored Presentation

Michael Juul Jensen: Vibro® Filtration for Harvest, Concentration & Refinery

12:55 pm - 02:25 pm: Lunch Break

02:25 pm - 03:40 pm: Session 3: Process

02:25 pm - 02:40 pm: Arun Sakthivel (The University of Manchester): Modelling of microlagl growth at different scale up level for advanced biomethane production

02:40 pm - 02:55 pm: Gladys Castillo (Decerna): The importance of infrastructure within LCA of microalgae production and processing facilities

02:55 pm - 03:10 pm: Tobias Hofmann (Bern University of Applied Sciences): Spatially dependent microalgal lipid production in a membrane biofilm reactor

03:10 pm - 03:25 pm: Gabriel Acien (University of Almeria): Uses of non-pressure membranes for microalgae biomass harvesting

03:25 pm - 03:40 pm: Claudio Fuentes-Grunewald (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology): Saudi Arabia as the new worldwide hot spot for large-scale microalgae cultivation

03:40 pm - 04:20 pm: Session 4: Industry

03:40 pm - 03:50 pm: Marta Sa (Lgem Synalgae): AlgaeHUB®: focused to unlock the potential of microalgae

03:50 pm - 04:00 pm: Alexandre Rodrigues (Necton): Strategies to improve sustainability and production capacity in a microalgae industrial plant

04:00 pm - 04:10 pm: John Benemann (MicroBio Engineering): The Cultivation of Microalgae in Raceway Ponds with Selected Cultivars

04:10 pm - 04:20 pm: Nico Betterle (ASTEASIER/University of Verona): Asteasier: the sustainable way for natural astaxanthin

04:20 pm - 04:30 pm: Beckman Coulter - Sponsored Presentation

Sebastian Blum: Accelerate microalgae production applying High Throughput Automation

04:30 pm - 05:10 pm: Coffee Break

05:10 pm - 06:25 pm: Session 5: Physiology

05:10 pm - 05:25 pm: Olivier Bernard (INRIA): Will Artificial Intelligence finally contribute to the microalgae sector?

05:25 pm - 05:40 pm: Matteo Ballottari (University of Verona): CO2 availability influences nad(p)h redox state and lipid accumulation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

05:40 pm - 05:55 pm: Eduardo Gorron (CSIRO): Transcriptomic signature of lipid production in Australian Aurantiochytrium sp. TC20

05:55 pm - 06:10 pm: Zakaria Tazart (Mohammed VI polytechnic University of Benguerir): Enhanced lipid accumulation and biomass productivity in Kirchneriella obesa cultivated in a wastewater-seawater mix: physiological responses and treatment efficacy  

06:10 pm - 06:25 pm: Dominik Refardt (Zurich University of Applied Sciences): Microalgae on acid: towards large-scale open cultivation of extremophiles

06:25 pm - 07:19 pm: Session 5b: Industry

06:25 pm - 6:35 pm: Yongning Su (Inner Mongolia Rejuve Biotech Co., Ltd.): Large scale spirulina production in Inner Mongolia, China

06:35 pm - 06:43 pm: Carlos Silva (A4F): Algae-based circular economy – Suitability by Design

06:43 pm - 06:51 pm: Andre Mota (COLAB4FOOD): The environmental sustainability assessment of algae-based food products

06:51 pm - 06:59 pm: Felix Ghyczy (BlueBurn BV): Transforming the future of algae commerce

06:59 pm - 07:09 pm: Steve Skill (Horizon Bioreactors Ltd): The Horizon Photo-Bioreactor: a new technology for industrial scale extractive photo-fermentation

07:09 pm - 07:19 pm: Ioannis Tzovenis: Greece panorama

7:19 pm - 07:29 pm: Closure of the Conference Day 1

Conference Day 2 - Wednesday 11 December 2024

09:00 am - 09:10 am: Opening Day 2

09:10 am - 09:40 am: Keynote Speaker

Hélène Marfaing (CEVA, France): Algae uses: a traditional food on the move in Europe

09:40 am - 10:55 am: Session 6: High Value Products

09:40 am - 09:55 am: Teresa Cesario (Instituto Superior Tecnico): Valorization of the green seaweed Ulva rigida to biodegradable plastics, gluconic acid and protein-rich aquafeed ingredients

09:55 am - 10:10 am: Stefano Cazzaniga (University of Verona): A novel Chlorella vulgaris mutant strain allows for the efficient production of lutein and zeaxanthin, pigments required for human health.

10:10 am - 10:25 am: Asad Ali (Wageningen University): Impact of electroporation on product recovery and microalgal viability: it is time to revisit the concept of cell milking?

10:25 am - 10:40 am: Rita Mota (acib GmbH): Research toward industrial implementation: Cynaoflan as a new polymeric raw material for cosmetic

10:40 am - 10:55 am: Stefan Kraan (Oceana Organic Products Llt): The environmental and social impact and the role of algae; truth or fiction?

10:55 am - 11:35 am: Coffee Break

11:35 am - 11:40 am: Main challenges in the seaweed sector across the globe - collaboration opportunities

Helena Abreu (International Seaweed Association)

11:40 am - 12:40 pm: Session 7: Europe

How the EU and UN algae agendas can leverage each other’s efforts at a European and global scale

11:40 am - 11:55 am: Vincent Doumeizel (United Nations Global Compact): UN algae-related initiatives and the Plankton Manifesto 

11:55 am - 12:00 pm: Laura Maragna (EurA Consulting): EU4Algae results and conclusions

12:00 pm - 12:05 pm: Julien Peris (Sustainable Blue Economy, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency): CINEA algae projects and funding opportunities

12:05 pm - 12:10 pm: Maris Stulgis (DG MARE, European Commission): EU support to algae sector – latest developments

12:10 pm - 12:40 pm: Panel discussion

12:40 pm - 12:50 pm: SCHOTT - Sponsored Presentation

Fritz W. Wintersteller: Why Tubular Glass Photobioreactors?

12:50 pm - 02:20 pm: Lunch Break

02:20 pm - 03:35 pm: Session 8: Biorefinery

02:20 pm - 02:35 pm: Joaquin Pozo-Dengra (Biorizon Biotech): One-pot processing for microalgae-based biostimulants and biopesticides production: an integral utilisation approach

02:35 pm - 02:50 pm: Marta Cebrián (AZTI Foundation): Sustainable production of valuable ingredients from Chlorella protothecoides grown using a fed-batch fermentation strategy

02:50 pm - 03:05 pm: Joana Rosa (S2AQUAcoLAB): Microalgae: driving the green revolution in cell-based food production

03:05 pm - 03:20 pm: Enrica Uggetti (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya): Assessing the environmental impacts and the cost-effectiveness of a biofertilizer from microalgae grown in wastewater

03:20 pm - 03:35 pm: Suvidha Gupta (Norwegian University of Life-Sciences): Multienzyme magnetic nanocatalyst for enhanced enzymatic hydrolysis of microalgae biomass grown in dairy wastewater for biorefinery applications

03:35 pm - 03:55 pm: Presentation of ALGAFLIX

Lara Gil & Christie de Vrij (EABA)

03:55 pm - 04:25 pm: Session 9: Production

03:55 pm - 04:10 pm: Henrik Geltner (Wageningen University and Research): Assessing properties of microalgae growth and metabolic state in real-time through multi-rate on-line elemental mass balancing methods  

04:05 pm - 04:25 pm: Filipa Lopes (CentraleSupélec): Non-destructive monitoring of microalgae biofilms

04:25 pm - 05:00 pm: Coffee Break

05:00 pm - 05:05 pm: Picture Contest Presentation

Anne Pajot &  Juliette Armeni (EABA)

05:05 pm - 05:35 pm: Session 10: High Value Products

05:05 pm - 05:20 pm: Carlos Infante (Fitoplancton Marino): A Tetraselmis chuii-derived high-value ingredient (TetraSOD) for agelessness through the improvement of cellular health

05:20 pm - 05:35 pm: Mariane Bittencourt Fagundes (University of Porto): Optimizing Nocuolin A Production: The Role of Light and Nutrient Conditions in Nodularia sp. LEGE 06071

05:35 pm - 05:50 pm: Algae Foundation and the Algae Technology Educational Consortium Education, Training, and Workforce Development Initiatives

Ira Levine (Algae Foundation/University of Southern Maine)

05:50 pm - 06:20 pm: Session 11: Food

05:50 pm - 06:05 pm: Fengzheng Gao (ETH Zurich): Bioaccessibility, bioavailability, and bioactivity assessment of microalgae-derived products for human nutrition and health

06:05 pm - 06:20 pm: Julia Baumgartner (ETH Zurich): Aqueous extraction and properties of lipid droplets from the cell wall deficient microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii  

06:20 pm - 06:30 pm: Closure of the Conference Day 2

06:30 pm - 10:45 pm: Conference Dinner

For registered participants only!

The dinner takes place at the Markou Vineyards. More information.

At 06:30 pm buses will bring participants to the venue. Around 10:00 pm participants will be transfered back to the hotel.

Conference Day 3 - Thursday 12 December 2024

09:00 am - 09:10 am: Opening Day 3

09:10 am - 09:40 am: Keynote Speaker

Susan Løvstad Holdt (The National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark (DTU Food), Denmark): Bridging Science, Safety, and Sustainability: Advancing Seaweed as Europe’s Future Food

09:40 am - 10:55 am: Session 12: Wastewater

09:40 am - 09:55 am: Paolina Scarponi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia): Treatment of Watermelon Waste Using Chlorella sp., Scenedesmus sp., Chlamydomonas sp. and Arthrospira sp.

09:55 am - 10:10 am: Ethan Wood (Norsk institutt for vannforskning, NIVA): The Phycosphere of an Algal Co-culture Phycoremediation System: Filamentous Algae Oedogonium and Stigeoclonium Maintain Associated Bacterial Communities during Wastewater Remediation

10:10 am - 10:25 am: Jean-Baptiste Beigbeder (APESA): Unlocking the potential of vermicompost leachate as a promising substrate for semi-continuous cultivation of microalgae consortium

10:25 am - 10:40 am: Stephan Ende (Alfred Wegener Institute): How Recirculating Aquaculture Nutrient Streams Can Drive Europe's Microalgae Revolution?

10:40 am - 10:55 am: Jonathan Forbes (Decerna): LCA due diligence of a Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) system in Morocco

10:55 am - 11:25 am: Coffee Break

11:25 am - 12:40 pm: Session 13: Omics

11:25 am - 11:40 am: Igor Grigoriev (Joint Genome Institute/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory): Fueling the future with algal genomics

11:40 am - 11:55 am: Eliana Gasparatto (University of Verona): Engineering and cultivation of Synechococcus PCC 11901 to synthesize high added-value carotenoids

11:55 am - 12:10 pm: Alexandra Mystikou (Technology Innovation Institute): Algal Genomics in Biotechnology

12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: Irene Gallego (Agroscope): Assessing the environmental impact of gene-edited microalgae

12:25 pm - 12:40 pm: Ana Gonçalves (GreenCoLab): Gut Performance for Resilient Aquaculture Fish: Powered by Microalgae

12:40 pm - 12:50 pm: BrightWave - Sponsored Presentation

Tim Shaw: BrightWave: Transforming Indoor Algae Cultivation for Industrial Applications

12:50 pm - 02:20 pm: Lunch Break

02:20 pm - 03:05 pm: Session 14: Feed

02:20 pm - 02:35 pm: Tina Seligmann (s.Pro - sustainable Projects): The Potential of Algae in Aquaculture Feed in the EU

02:35 pm - 02:50 pm: Daniel Figueiredo (GreenCoLab): Improved Pavlova gyrans strains for sustainable and nutritious aquafeeds

02:50 pm - 03:05 pm: Diogo Marques (Instituto Superior Tecnico - University of Lisbon): Fermentation strategies using food grade microbes for nutritional and economic valorization of Ulva rigida biomass

03:05 pm - 04:05 pm: Session 15: Biostimulants

03:05 pm - 03:20 pm: Liliana Rodolfi (University of Florence): Bioactivity of four nostoc strains: perspective of exploitation in agriculture

03:20 pm - 03:35 pm: Elena Ficara (Politecnico di Milano): Turning digestate into biostimulants via microalgae

03:35 pm - 03:50 pm: Amer Chabili (Cadi Ayyad University): Screening of cyanobacteria-based liquid extracts for their biostimulant effects on tomato plants growth and fruit quality  

03:50 pm - 04:05 pm: Kristina Ljumovic (University of Verona): Effect of Chlorella vulgaris on growth characteristics of Basil (Ocimum basilicum) in hydroponics

04:05 pm - 04:10 pm: Presentation of YAS 2025

Daniel Figueiredo

04:10 pm - 04:20 pm: Session 16: Pharm-medical

Muriel Bardor (University of Rouen Normandie): PHAEOmAbs, a French initiative to improve the production yield of microalgae-based antibodies

04:20 pm - 04:50 pm: Coffee Break

04:50 pm - 06:05 pm: Session 17: Biorefinery

04:50 pm - 05:05 pm: Isa Hiemstra (Wageningen University & Research): SWITCHING TO GREEN: Sustainable multi-product three-phase partitioning for seaweed biorefinery using recyclable, switchable solvents

05:05 pm - 05:20 pm: Wimar Reynaga (Wageningen University & Research): Deep eutectic solvents for co-extracting alginate and fucoxanthin from brown seaweed

05:20 pm - 05:35 pm: Oscar Elizondo Sada (Wageningen University and Research): Optimization of an enzyme assisted extraction for a multi-product biorefinery from the red seaweed Palmaria palmata

05:35 pm - 05:50 pm: Lais Galileu Speranza (GreenCoLab): Using Life-Cycle Assessment to evaluate the sustainability of algae biorefineries

05:50 pm - 06:05 pm: Juan José Gallardo (Universidad de Almeria, Spain): Competitive adsorption and cross-flow dialysis to recover phycobiliproteins and polysaccharides from spirulina sp

06:05 pm - 07:05 pm: Session 18: Food

06:05 pm - 06:15 pm: Cristiana Nunes (LEAF, ISA, Universidade de Lisboa): Combining Seaweeds and Microalgae: Assessing hydrothermal extracts of Chondrus Crispus for gelled food snacks enriched with Chlorella vulgaris

06:15 pm - 06:25 pm: Lisiane Carvalho (LEAF, ISA, Universidade de Lisboa): Development and characterization of microalgae-enriched clean label hybrid hams

06:25 pm - 06:35 pm: Sónia Oliveira (LEAF, ISA, Universidade de Lisboa): Multisensory packaging: exploring algae-based 3D printed edible solutions for sustainable food experiences

06:35 pm - 06:50 pm: José Matheus (LEAF, ISA, Universidade de Lisboa): A sustainable twist on ''caldo verde'' using macro and microalgae

06:50 pm - 07:05 pm: Ivan Citakovic (ImmunRise Biocontrol France (IBF)): Exploitation of amphidinols for biopesticide production: environmental triggers, excretion patterns, and the distribution of active and less active forms in amphidinium carterae photobioreactor cultures

07:05 pm - 08:30 pm: Award Evening

On Thursday, 12 December 2024, AlgaEurope will host its first-ever Award Evening. In addition to the Poster Presentation Award, both a Personality Award and a Successful Stories Award will be presented.

After the ceremony, you will have the chance to connect with fellow delegates and, even more exciting, sample algae-based products generously provided by GreenCoLab. Want to find out what’s in store? Join us for the Award Evening!

More information here.

Conference Day 4 - Friday 13 December 2024


  • 08:00: Pick up at the Divani Caravel Hotel
  • 09:00: Start of the conference program at Demokritos

09:00 am - 09:10 am: Opening Day 4

09:10 am - 09:40 am: Keynote Speaker

Lieve Laurens (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA): Building a Sustainable Carbon Efficient Future with Photosynthetic Algae Systems 

09:40 am - 10:10 am: Session 19: Production

09:40 am - 09:55 am: John McGowen (Arizona State University): Characterization of a novel aphelid parasitoid of picochlorum celeri and its effects on outdoor productivity and robustness

09:55 am - 10:10 am: João Varela (CCMAR - Centre of Marine Sciences of Algarve, Portugal): A call to arms: the urgent need for novel bioinformatic tools for correctly identifying eukaryotic grazers and parasites in microalgae cultures

10:10 am - 10:40 am: Session 20: Pharma-medical

10:10 am - 10:25 am: Jennifer Saliba (LIENS Laboratory University La Rochelle): Marine fucoidan oligomers as promising multi-tasking formulations in cancer therapy

10:25 am - 10:40 am: Matthew Chadwick (The University of Edinburgh): An Investigation into the Prebiotic Potential of Fucoidans Extracted from Seaweed

10:40 am - 11:10 am: Coffee Break

11:10 am - 12:10 pm: Round table - DOs and DONTs in the algae sector


Maria Barbosa (Wageningen University / BPEa)

Alison Smith (University of Cambridge)


João Navalho (Necton and Allmicroalgae)

Hywel Griffiths (Fermentalg)

Tanel Ilmjärv (Vetik OÜ)

Valerie Harmon (Namaka Algae)

12:10 pm - 01:25 pm: Session 21: Wastewater

12:10 pm - 12:25 pm: Antonio Gavalas Olea (Hochschule Bremerhaven): Galdieria sulphuraria, an extremophile with promising Carbon capture performance through project ALGROW 

12:25 pm - 12:40 pm: Pia Steinrücken (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre): Coupling microalgal production to recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) at pilot scale

12:40 pm - 12:55 pm: Marco Mantovani (University of Milano Bicocca): Removal of different water micropollutants by microalgae-based iron nanoparticles 

12:55 pm - 01:10 pm: Ronald Halim (University College Dublin): Nannochloropsis for the valorisation of side streams from critical agri-food and energy sectors in Europe 

01:10 pm - 01:25 pm: Elena Passalacqua (Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca): Optimisation of anaerobic digestion using microalgal-based carbon-encapsulated iron nanoparticles

01:25 pm - 01:30 pm: Closure of the Conference

01:30 pm - 02:00 pm: Lunch

Site visits

Site visit to Solmeyea

02:00 pm: Site visit to Solmeyea

03:15 pm: Transfer back to Divani Caravel Hotel

04:00 pm: Arrive at Divani Caravel

Site visit to Plankton First

02:00 pm: Site visit to Plankton First

05:45 pm: Transfer back to Divani Caravel Hotel

07:45 pm: Arrive at Divani Caravel





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