Dear AlgaEurope delegates,
Please note that we do not sell the list of Attendees or Exhibitors with personal contact details including emails and phone numbers to anyone. If you receive an email from someone claiming they have our Attendee list, they are attempting to scam you and we recommend blocking those emails. We do not sell our contact lists to any third party as we comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulations and consider such acts unprofessional and unlawful.
The delegates list without contact details is available only to the conference participants at the exclusive information page.
Please feel free to forward any of these spam emails to us and we will add them to our public list below on this page.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!
List of scam email addresses to block:
Kevin Brown: kevin.brown@b2bcontactslist.com
Amelia Michael: amelia.michael@dataeventsexpo.com
Molly Cameron: molly.cameron@delegatelists.com
Tracy Fuller tracy.fuller@delegateslistexpos.com
Cindy Dayman: cindy.dayman@scaledatasevent.com
Jenny Hong: jenny.hong@scalesdelegatedatas.com
Jessica Willard: Jessica@spy-globalsolution.com
Luke Johnson: luke.johnson@tradedatacompany.com
Rosalie Hayes: rosalie.hayes@attendeetechexpoengagement.com
Celina: celina@emailleadss.com
Ade Chiemeka: ade.chiemeka@datasinfosaopencards.co
Rishi Johnson: rishi.johnsoninfo@gmail.com
Charlotte Brooks: charlotte.brooks.theserenespace@gmail.com
Joanna Rogers: joanna.rogers.globaleventtraders@gmail.com
Elijah Adison: elijah.adisonn@gmail.com
Henrik Bronson: henrik.bronsonevents@gmail.com
Peter Nickel: peter.nickel@dataprodocinc.net
Nova: novadatahubs@gmail.com
Noah Emily: noah.emilydatasolutions@gmail.com
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